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This English sentence is through google translation.                                                       renewal date: 2024.9.25
I am sorry if there is a strange part in English.

"Celeste"  "Soirée" "Moulin"of this site are VoiceBank for UTAU.
The copyright of the VoiceBank belongs to the manager (蒼白).

The copyright of each official illustration belongs to the illustrator of that illustration.

For non-profit purposes, anyone can use it for free.
There is no need to contact manager when presenting works created using this VoiceBank.
In the work using this VoiceBank and characters, please indicate the name of this VoiceBank.

​Please be sure to read the Terms of Use for fan fiction.

"VoiceBank" refers to all three of Celeste, Soirée, Moulin.

■ Prohibited matters ■

・Acts that deceive, impersonate, or falsify copyrights.

・ Use with political and religious solicitations, slander and discrimination.

・A nuisance to a third party. (Slander, use for the purpose of promoting crime)

・Actions that cause disadvantage or damage to VoiceBank and voice provider.

・ How to use slandering others.
・ Use in ways that are contrary to common sense and public order and morals.
・Acts that infringe copyright.
・VoiceBank, secondary distribution of official Illustration, unauthorized reproduction, trace, plagiarism.
・To viciously process VoiceBank, official Illustration.

・Using the cover and official Illustration of VoiceBank for AI training.

・Secondary distribution of VoiceBank that have been discontinued at the discretion of the manager.

・Collaboration with "人力VOCALOID""人力UTAU"

・ Use this VoiceBank as a creation character, an image character voice of a creation MMD model.

・Using a voice other than the official Voice provider as an image CV for VoiceBank.

・Creating PVs of other genres (copyrighted animations, etc.) using cover videos of VoiceBank as sounds.

・Using the cover of the VoiceBank as the voice of the copyrighted MMD.
・ Any act that violates these Terms and Conditions.

In addition to the above, if the manager determines that your use is inappropriate,

you may be asked to discontinue your use.

■ Permits ■

・ Noise removal, change of original sound setting.
・ Modification of frequency table (frq file) and original sound setting (oto.ini file) and their distribution.
・Use of official Illustration  in works using this VoiceBank.
・ Fan fiction. (Please pay attention to those who are not good at R-18 expression etc.)
・ Cosplay
・Use with HANASU.

・Use of sound sources downloaded in the past due to suspension of distribution.
・When the Manager suspends activities, post works with sound sources downloaded in the past,fun fiction.

If the sound source is still distributed, you can download it normally and use it.

・Use of VoiceBank and characters in doujin activities.

Please contact us in advance if you would like to use it for commercial purposes.

It is permission matter in accordance with prohibition matter.

■ Disclaimer ■

・The manager takes no responsibility for any troubles that arise from the use of VoiceBank. 
・By downloading VoiceBank, you are deemed to have agreed to the terms of use.
・The contents of the terms of use may be changed without notice.

■ Contact ■

(★ → @)
The reaction is the fastest on X.
■ Manager     蒼白
■ X                       ★ souhaku 616
■ E-mail   

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